There are many wonderful health and wellness benefits associated with having Himalayan Salt products in your home or office. Salt lamp benefits include the following:
- Clean and Deodorise the Air
- Relieves Allergy and Asthma Symptoms
- Enhances Sleeping
- Relieves Cough
- Boost Energy Levels
- Improved Mood & Concentration
- Alleviates Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
- Neutralises Electromagnetic Radiation (released from electronics / gadgets in the home / office).
- Environment Safe: 100% Natural Himalayan Crystal Salt; Sustainable Wooden Base (Neem); Low-Wattage Bulb
- Stylish Lamps that provide a Glowing & Soothing Light – Attractive in any Room
When your salt lamp is lit, the crystal rock heats up and emits negative ions. These ions clean the air by removing dust, pollen, dander, cigarrette smoke and bacteria. They also offset the effects of the positive ions produced by televisions, microwaves, computer screens, mobiles, tablets and other electrical devices. Negative ions are also produced naturally by thunderstorms, waterfalls, the sea, even bathroom showers. This is why we feel energised and refreshed in these environments. Himalayan Salt Lamps offer this same benefit.
Salt lamps are best placed where you or your family spend a lot of time or where there are lots of electronic appliances, ie. living rooms, bedrooms. They make wonderful nightlights for children! They come in different shapes, sizes and weights, with their colours ranging from a soft light pink to much deeper pinks. All natural and all unique in their own way, we have a wide range in our shop to fit every personality.
Himalayan Salt Lamps are a beautiful addition to any home, though equally they look fabulous in Restaurants, Hotels, Hospitality Venues, Beauty Salons/Spas, Dentists and Doctors Waiting Rooms etc. The list is endless.
Remember: A Salt Lamp will last forever!